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植发手术后到底有多少毛囊单位能够成活? [复制链接]






发表于 2010-5-25 11:37:40 | 显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览         交流QQ群:86809880
本帖最后由 爱发如命 于 2010-5-25 14:00 编辑


A man came to see me last week with a problem following his hair transplant at another clinic over a year ago. The surgeon told him that 6600 grafts were transplanted (in three sessions) using the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique, which he guaranteed has a yield of over 90%. The patient wanted to know if his surgery actually reflected 6600 grafts, so at the patient’s request, we counted the actual grafts that grew. We divided up his head into 1cm square units and then counted the individual grafts inside those squares. The count yielded 2092 grafts of which approximately 50% had only one-hair and 50% had two-hairs, totaling approximately 3100 individual hairs. The hairs did not look very healthy, but the patient had fine hair in his donor area, so I suspect that the fullness reflected the low volume of each hair that survived.

I actually had the opportunity to measure his density before he decided to have his surgery with another doctor. His initial preoperative donor density measured 2.4 hairs per mm square. In my experience this type of donor density usually yielded about 15% one-hair grafts, 65% two-hair grafts, and the rest would be three-hair grafts. Estimating the hair count from the 6600 grafts he expected to grow, he should have had hair growth that would reflect (1) approximately 3960 hairs from three-hair grafts (20% of the 6600 grafts), (2) 8580 hairs from two-hair grafts (65% of the 6600 grafts) and (3) 990 single hairs (reflecting 15% from one-hair grafts)… for a total of 13,530 hairs that would have grown from a 100% successful harvest. Estimating an FUE yield of 90% (a reasonable estimate for FUE and his surgeon’s guarantee of that amount) from a projected successful hair count from the 6600 grafts, I would reduce that count to 12,204 hairs (90% of the 13,500 hairs estimated above). He should compare the actual hair count we obtained in the counting process of approximately 3100 hairs which reflects a loss of 9104 hairs. The hair count therefore reflected a substantial reduction in the hair yield of those grafts that grew when compared to what should have grown. When one would count the grafts that did not grow, the death rate of the hairs was almost three times what did grow.

Where did those missing hairs go? I suspect that they were killed at the time of the FUE either through drying of the grafts during placement, trauma from the technicians placing the grafts, or transection of the grafts (a common problem in those surgeons who really do not have mastery of the FUE technique).






 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-25 11:40:20 | 显示全部楼层         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880

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