本帖最后由 抛开脱发 于 2011-5-16 19:08 编辑
I am writing this thread to reflectmy current thoughts. I spoke to Dr. Bauman today and he offered to do anotherFUE Neograft procedure for free to fill in the scars. He assured me that900-1200 grafts could easily be obtained from my donor area. I am hesitant todo another procedure with him at this time since I do not know the results ofmy 4th HT. I will continue to document my growth with the last procedure.
What I do know is the last 3 HTs I have had with Dr. Bauman. I will documentthe facts as I know them. Also Dr. Bauman gave me a more accurate account ofgrafts taken so I want to pass that along in fairness to him. I wanted to pass along photos he took of me throughout the years, Iemailed him on 1-19-2010 about my photos and my concerns and he didn’t respondso I posted the pics I have. After speaking with him today 2-3-2010 heapologized and said he was out of town but he would get me the pics Irequested.
Here are the facts as I know them. The 1st procedure was on 11-1-2005, I had1800 grafts according to Dr. Bauman, and he said that I had from 500-800 graftsput in my crown. The cost was $10,300 according to my invoice. The firstprocedure he did not use a tricophidic closure.
My 2nd HT I received 2000 grafts according to Dr. Bauman on 05-8-2007. The cost$9,900 according to my invoice. I did 2 hyperbaric chambers costing a total$400.
My 3rd HT I received 1600 grafts according to Dr. Bauman on 12-15-2008. Thecost was $8700 according to my invoice. I did 4 hyperbaric chambers which cost$900, I purchased an X5 Hair Laser for $299, and one shampoo $16, oneconditioner $16, 60 tablets of Viviscal $75 and 84 tablets of Appearex Biotin$32. The total for that invoice was $10,112 according to my invoice.
My 4th HT(FUE Neograft) I received 1500 grafts for $20,000 and 751 singlegrafts for $7,510 on 11-18-2009 according to my invoice, I did 4 hyperbaric chambersand the total cost of my invoice was $28,530.62. As stated previously I do notknow the full results of my 4th HT because I am 11 weeks into it. In total Ihave had 4 Hair Transplant surgeries by Dr. Alan Bauman, according to the graftnumbers he gave me today I have had 7651 grafts and have spent $58,842.62.
I have attached all my pics from the 1st HT to the 4th HT. The pics are notgreat; I don’t really have too many pics after the 3rd procedure. I will justshow you what I have and you can form your own opinions. I thank you for yourtime and support. 我写这个帖子,想来说一说我心里的一些想法,我今天和医生Bauman谈过,他答应给我免费做一次FUE的手术,来帮助掩盖植发留下的疤痕。他保证,能够很容易提取900-1200毛囊单位从我的供体区。不过我的想法是,在我还没有看到我第四次植发的效果前,我还是有些犹豫再做植发手术与这个医生。 我很清楚,我在医生 Bauman那里做的前三次手术,我将会用文字来真实的告诉大家,我对这个医生的看法,医生Bauman之前给了我一个精确的毛囊单位移植的数量,所以,为了公平起见,我想要把那个也上传,我还想要这一整年我拍的照片。2010年1月19日,我给他发了一个邮件。他并没有回复我,在2010年3月2日,他向我道歉,说他当时出差去了。
在2005年11月1日,我在医生 Bauman那里进行了我的第一次手术,我移植了1800毛囊单位在我的头顶处,已经植发了500到800的毛囊单位,价格是10,300美金。 在2007年8月5日,我进行了第二次手术,植发单位为2000毛囊单位,花费了我9,900美金。我做了2次高压氧舱治疗,花费了我400美金 在2008年15月12日,我进行了第三次手术,移植了1600毛囊单位,花费了我8700美金。我做了四次高压氧舱治疗,花费了我900美金。我购买了一个价值299美金的X5镭射激光,一瓶洗发水16美元,一瓶营养素16美元。60粒装的VIVISCAL(一种治疗脱发的药物,主要含有百分22%的蛋白复合体CMarine)以及84片biotin(一种维生素H) 接下来是我的第四次手术,这次用的是FUE,我花费了20,00美元,得到了1500毛囊单位。我做了四次高压氧舱治疗,这第四次手术,我花费了28,530.62。从最初的手术,到现在,总共移植的毛囊单位是7651.花费为58,842.62美元。.
( 在第三次《FUT》植发之前)
( 第二次植发后的2个月)