FOLFOX化学疗法对于病人的副作用很低。另外,据报告显示,在病人接受FOLFOX治疗的12星期中,脱发的迹象明显有了好转。不幸的是,病人的肿瘤仍然在进行扩散,在2010年的1月,病人的CEA到达了7,900ng/ml 。它的肿瘤医生开始对他的化学治疗药物进行调整,他开始服用cetuximab+FOLFIRI(爱必妥+亚叶酸钙)。随后,他出现一些明显的副作用,例如腹泻,恶心,皮肤出诊的症状。
Successful treatment of chemotherapy-inducedalopeciawith laser cap: a case report
The patient is a 46-year-old male of Chinesedecent diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer on October 12, 2009. His CEA at thetime of discovery was 4,030ng/ml.
FOLFOX(5-fu,folinic acid,oxaloplatin) chemotherapy every two weeks was started on October28.2009 alternative therapy included fermented wheat germ extract(avemar) and high-dose IV Vitamin C (3,000mg IV,3 times per week) beginning inthe same mouth and 8g/day of fucoidan from focus vesiculosis
beginning in early December 2009.
The patient had minimal side effects fromthe FOLFOX chemotherapy regimen, report no G1 discomforts, and had no noticeablehair loss during his 12 weeks of FOLFOX. Unfortunately ,the patients tumors did notrespond to the chemo regimen, and his CEA reached 7,900ng/ml by January 2010.His oncologist switched his chemo regiment to cetuximab +FOLFIRI(5-FU,folinicacid, irinotecan)while his alternative therapies remained the same.Under this new regiment, he experiencedsignificant side effects including diarrhea, nausea, skin eruptions, and,within several weeks, significant hair loss.
His colon cancer responded to the new chemoregiment, and his CEA dropped to 296ng/ml in 4 weeks(February 2010) and259ng/ml in 2 months (march 2010). The patients CT after 3 months of chemo ( april2010) showed significant reduction of tumor size (<1/10 of the volume at thetime of discovery) and widespread calcification. His fucoidan regimen waschanged to a 50/50 mix of focus vesiculous and undaria pinnatifida at the endof july also showed reductions in tumor size and count. As of july 31,2010, thepatient is still on the same protocol.