本帖最后由 好头发翻译小组 于 2016-7-26 09:37 编辑
下午好,过去我是一个狂热的读者,是个担心失去的头发的人,这一切都是在我六个月前的状态,我现在幸运地有这样通过DHI全球伦敦移植进行的成功手术(本质上是一种FUE),(http://dhiglobal.com/)我想看看我是否能在这个问题上帮助别人… 背后的故事: 好的,我的头发已经让我沮丧大约五年,越来越多的信心和激情都走了! 我对诊所做了很多的研究,也从那里听到好的和坏的,旅行是不是一种选择,我确信我能在英国找到正确的选择。 所以,经过多次会见哈雷街和周边的道路的不同医生,我在伦敦的DHI全球会见了安妮塔,在她让我看了名人与非名人客户的案例之后立即安心,我觉得,DHI是符合我的方式,所以在十月底万圣节(令人担忧的接近)我给自己订了一个在DHI直接植发一天的大型会议上手术。 我做了什么选择!
当我到达时,我就感到自己像皇室,但我得承认,我一个高大的男人很紧张,但我(希望)没有表现出来…当我被适当地讨论通过这个程序,并介绍给医疗主任和George博士给我做手术,我的紧张很快就消失了。 手术过程: 躺了大约四小时,我喜欢叫它按摩位置,我从上面掉了两次,在供区的头发进行提取,其次是一个很好的午餐,读报纸,然后是用了3-4小时植入他们。手术完成并且没有痛苦。我甚至去了剧院,之后喝了一点白兰地(没有听从乔治博士的建议),终于第一次看到了多年来就没有了的发际线。 手术后: 我很自豪治疗后立即有了发际线,像医生说的一样大约四个星期后头发脱落。所有移植的头发在7周后已经长出来了。 我把头发留到0.4毫米,从那时起,四一个月就发生了快速增长!!! 当我停止剃光我的头发,我能看到头发天一一天的正在浓密。 现在我手术马上要到6个月了,我会把这个辉煌的结果作为最后的结果,但我还是要相信我有一年的增长和浓密的到来。精彩的! 很高兴我决定去与DHI全球!! 以前的照片,这期间,现在,如果任何人有任何问题,问他们在这里,我将监控整个过程。 谢谢! 一个月:
楼主回复: 1、最初发布的goldenmane 你有手术6个月后的照片吗? 我应该附上了他们的。 途中… 2、移植:1689 价格:7500£ 等待时间:一周内会诊,手术几周后。 药物:绝对没有任何术前或术后的药物。手术后,一天两次regaine / 落健5% 泡沫,和每个季度三次PRP 3、今天我头发移植整整六个月,一个全新的自我!
原文部分: My HTwith DHI Global - 6 months ago
Goodafternoon all, I have been an avid reader here in the past as a worried man,losing ones hair, this pre my HT six months I am now in the fortunate positionof having had such a successful DHI (essentially an FUE) transplant via DHIGlobal in London ( http://dhiglobal.com/) Iwant to see if I can assist anyone else thinking of under going this procedure… Back story:
Ok so my hair had been getting me down for about five years, more and morereceding and the crown all-bar gone!
I did A LOT of research on clinics and heard good and bad from abut them all,travel wasn't an option, I was certain I could find THE right result at home inthe UK.
So after many meets with various doctors in Harley Street and surrounding roadsI met with Anita at DHI Global in London and was immediately put at ease andafter her showing me endorsements from celebrity and non celebrity clients, Ifelt that DHI was the way to go for me, so at the end of October (worryinglyclose to Halloween) I booked myself in for a 1-day Mega session for a DHI -Direct Hair Implantation.
And what a choice I made!
I was made to feel like royalty when I arrived all be it admittedly for a talland big man I was ridiculously nervous, but I (hopefully) didn't let thatshow... My nerves soon vanished when I was properly talked through theprocedure and introduced to Medical Director and the man to do my procedure -Dr George.
The Procedure:
So four hours of lying on my front in the 'massage position' as I like to callit where I dropped off twice, where my hairs on the donor area were extractedwas followed by a nice lunch and read of the papers, then it was 3-4 hours ofimplanting them. Job done and pain free... I even went to the theatreafterwards and had a few brandies (against the advice of Dr George) but I wason cloud 9, I could instantly see a hairline for the first time in YEARS!
Post surgery:
I was so proud to have the hairline I was given immediately after the treatmentand that (as advised) fell away after about four weeks. All the transplantedhairs had come out by week 7.
I kept my hair at a level 0.4, from then on and come month four a rapid growthhappened!!!
Day by day more hair was filling in it was then when I stopped shaving my head.
I am now coming up to 6 months post surgery and I would have taken thisbrilliant result as the final result BUT am left to believe I have another yearof growth and filling out to come. Wonderful!
Absolutely delighted and I am so lad I decided to go with DHI Global!!
Pictures before, during and NOW attached and if anyone has ANY questions, askthem here, I shall be monitoring the thread.
Ben Do you have 6 months post surgeryphotos? I WAS SUPPOSED TOATTACH THEM..
En route... 2. Grafts: 1,689
Price: £7,500
Waiting time: Consultation within a week,surgery a couple of weeks later.
Medication: Absolutely nothing beforehand orever. After HT, Regaine/Rogaine 5% foam twice a day, and three x PRP sessions
3. It was exactly six months to the day today, I had myhair transplant. Here's the new me at my desk!