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头发维基百科帖子汇总——脱发、植发、非那、米诺等 [复制链接]






发表于 2015-9-23 21:15:23 | 只看该作者 |倒序浏览         交流QQ群:86809880
本帖最后由 好头发翻译小组 于 2015-10-23 11:04 编辑


Hair loss(脱发)

Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, is a loss of hair from the head or body.[1]Baldness can refer to general hair loss or male pattern hair loss. Some types of hair loss can be caused by alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder. The extreme forms of alopecia areata are alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, and alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body.

Hair loss and hypotrichosis can have many causes, including fungal infection(真菌), traumatic damage(外伤), such as by compulsive pulling (trichotillomania), as a result of radiotherapy or chemotherapy, and as a result of nutritional deficiencies such as iron deficiency.[2]

1.Terminology   术语

Baldness is the partial or complete lack of hair growth, and part of the wider topic of "hair thinning". The degree and pattern of baldness varies, but its most common cause isandrogenic alopecia, alopecia androgenetica, or alopecia seborrheica, with the last term primarily used in Europe.[citation needed]

2.Signs and symptoms   特征和症状

Symptoms of hair loss include hair loss in patches usually in circular patterns, dandruff, skin lesions, and scarring. Alopecia areata (mild - medium level) usually shows in unusual hair loss areas e.g. eyebrows, backside of the head or above the ears where usually the male pattern baldness does not affect. In male-pattern hair loss, loss and thinning begin at the temples and the crown and either thins out or falls out. Female-pattern hair loss occurs at the frontal and parietal.

People have between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on their head. The number of strands normally lost in a day varies, but on average is 100.[3] In order to maintain a normal volume, hair must be replaced at the same rate at which it is lost. The first signs of hair thinning that people will often notice are more hairs than usual left in the hairbrush after brushing or in the basin after shampooing. Styling can also reveal areas of thinning, such as a wider parting or a thinning crown.[citation needed]

3.Skin conditions   头皮环境

A substantially blemished face, back and limbs could point to cystic acne. The most severe form of the condition, cystic acne arises from the same hormonal imbalances that cause hair loss, and is associated with dihydrotestosterone[clarification needed] production.[4]Seborrheic dermatitis, a condition in which an excessive amount of sebum is produced and builds up on the scalp (looking like an adult cradle cap) is also a symptom of hormonal imbalances, as is an excessively oily or dry scalp. Both can cause hair thinning.
基本上 脸上,背部,以及四肢有大量的油性痘痘能够暗示囊性座疮。那对于头发来说是一种极其恶劣的生长环境,囊性座疮是由于激素分泌紊乱引起的,它能够导致脱发,并且和二氢睾酮的分泌量息息相关。溢脂性皮炎,这是一种头皮产生了过量的皮脂的状况(就像一个成年人戴了一顶帽子一样),也是激素分泌紊乱的一种症状。因为头皮过油或者过于干燥都能够导致头发脱落。

4.Psychological   心理上的影响

Hair thinning and baldness cause psychological stress due to their effect on appearance. Although societal interest in appearance has a long history, this particular branch of psychology came into its own during the 1960s and has gained momentum as messages associating physical attractiveness with success and happiness grow more prevalent.[5]

The psychology of hair thinning is a complex issue. Hair is considered an essential part of overall identity: especially for women, for whom it often represents femininity and attractiveness. Men typically associate a full head of hair with youth and vigor. Although they may be aware of pattern baldness in their family, many are uncomfortable talking about the issue. Hair thinning is therefore a sensitive issue for both sexes. For sufferers, it can represent a loss of control and feelings of isolation. People experiencing hair thinning often find themselves in a situation where their physical appearance is at odds with their own self-image and commonly worry that they appear older than they are or less attractive to others. Psychological problems due to baldness, if present, are typically most severe at the onset of symptoms.[6]

Hair loss induced by cancer chemotherapy has been reported to cause changes in self-concept and body image. Body image does not return to the previous state after regrowth of hair for a majority of patients. In such cases, patients have difficulties expressing their feelings (alexithymia) and may be more prone to avoiding family conflicts. Family therapy can help families to cope with these psychological problems if they arise.[7]






 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-23 21:20:36 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880
本帖最后由 好头发翻译小组 于 2015-10-9 17:33 编辑

Causes  原因
Although not completely understood,[citation needed] hair loss can have many causes:

5.Male pattern baldness

More than 95% of hair loss in men is male pattern baldness (MPB).[8] MPB is characterized by hair receding from the lateral sides of the forehead (known as a "receding hairline") and/or a thinning crown (balding to the area known as the ‘vertex’).[9] Both become more pronounced until they eventually meet, leaving a horseshoe-shaped ring of hair around the back of the head.

The incidence of pattern baldness varies from population to population and is based on genetic background. Environmental factors do not seem to affect this type of baldness greatly. One large scale study in Maryborough, Victoria, Australia showed the prevalence of mid-frontal baldness increases with age and affects 73.5 percent of men and 57 percent of women aged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of baldness in males corresponds roughly to chronological age. For example, according to Medem Medical Library's website, MPB affects roughly 40 million men in the United States. Approximately one in four men will have noticeable hair loss by age 30, and this figure increases to two in three men by age 60. In rare cases, MPB can begin as early as age 12.[10]

The genetics of MPB are not yet fully understood. Most likely there are multiple genes that contribute towards MPB, the most important of which appears to be the Androgen Receptor gene, located on the X chromosome (inherited from the mother). It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather. While there is some basis for this belief, it is now known that both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Most likely, inheritance involves many genes with variablepenetrance.[medical citation needed]

The trigger for this type of baldness is dihydrotestosterone, a more potent form of testosterone often referred to by its acronym DHT. DHT is an androgenic hormone, body- and facial-hair growth promoter that can adversely affect the prostate as well as the hair located on the head.[11] The mechanism by which DHT accomplishes this is not yet fully understood. In genetically prone scalps (i.e., those experiencing male or female pattern baldness), DHT initiates a process of follicular miniaturization, in which the hair follicle begins to deteriorate. As a consequence, the hair’s growth phase (anagen) is shortened, and young, unpigmented vellus hair is prevented from growing and maturing into the deeply rooted and pigmented terminal hair that makes up 90 percent of the hair on the head.[12] In time, hair becomes thinner, and its overall volume is reduced so that it resembles fragile vellus hair or "peach fuzz" until, finally, the follicle goes dormant and ceases producing hair completely.


Studies have shown that poor nutrition, limited food intake, and deficiencies in certain nutrients can cause thinning. These include deficiencies of biotin, protein, zinc and poorhuman iron metabolism, although complete baldness is not usually seen. A diet high in animal fats (often found in fast food) and vitamin A is also thought to lead to hair loss.

•        Hypervitaminosis A
•        维生素A过多症
•        Iron deficiency or malnutrition in general
•        缺铁或者营养不良


•        Dissecting cellulitis
•        头皮层间蜂窝织炎
•        Fungal infections (such as tinea capitis)
•        真菌感染(如头癣)
•        Folliculitis
•        毛囊炎
•        Secondary syphilis[13]
•        二期梅毒
•        Demodex folliculorum, a microscopic mite that feeds on the sebum produced by thesebaceous glands, denies hair essential nutrients and can cause thinning. Demodex folliculorum is not present on every scalp and is more likely to live in an excessively oily scalp environment.
•        毛囊蠕形螨,一种微观食用由皮脂腺产生皮脂的螨,其会阻断毛发必需的营养物质,因而导致头发变薄。毛囊蠕形螨不存在于头皮的每个位置,而更可能住处在过分油性的头皮环境。






 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-23 21:24:58 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880

•        Temporary or permanent hair loss can be caused by several medications, including those for blood pressure problems, diabetes, heart disease and cholesterol.[14] Any that affect the body’s hormone balance can have a pronounced effect: these include the contraceptive pill, hormone replacement therapy, steroids and acne medications.[15]
•        长期脱发或某一段时间内脱发严重的情况都有可能是服用某些药物造成的,如治疗高血压、糖尿病、心脏病、胆固醇等疾病的药物。任何影响人体激素平衡的药都会引起脱发的情况,包括避孕药、补充激素,治疗胆固醇、痤疮此类疾病的药。

•        Some treatments used to cure mycotic infections can cause massive hair loss.[16]
•        一些治疗霉菌感染的药甚至会造成极其严重的脱发情况。

•        Medications (side effects from drugs, including chemotherapy, anabolic steroids, andbirth control pills[17][18])


•        Traction alopecia is most commonly found in people with ponytails or cornrows who pull on their hair with excessive force. In addition, rigorous brushing and heat styling, rough scalp massage can damage the cuticle, the hard outer casing of the hair. This causes individual strands to become weak and break off, reducing overall hair volume.
•        拉扯性掉发在扎马尾辫或编麻花辫用力过度的人群中非常常见,此外,烫发、用力摩擦头皮会破坏因头发形成的坚硬的角质层,使每根头发变得越来越不牢固,最终导致总发量减少。

•        Trichotillomania is the loss of hair caused by compulsive pulling and bending of the hairs. Onset of this disorder tends to begin around the onset of puberty and usually continues through adulthood. Due to the constant extraction of the hair roots, permanent hair loss can occur.
•        喜欢用力拔头发的癖好也是造成头发脱落的原因之一,往往在青春期形成这样的习惯,一直持续到成年期,长期这样拉扯发根会造成永久性的脱发。

•        Traumas such as childbirth, major surgery, poisoning, and severe stress may cause a hair loss condition known as telogen effluvium,[19] in which a large number of hairs enter the resting phase at the same time, causing shedding and subsequent thinning. The condition also presents as a side effect of chemotherapy – while targeting dividing cancer cells, this treatment also affects hair’s growth phase with the result that almost 90% of hairs fall out soon after chemotherapy starts.[20]
•        外部损伤如分娩、大型外科手术、中毒以及高压力可能会造成休止期脱发(大量头发同时进入休止期,造成头发脱落以致稀薄。),这种情况也会出现在化学疗法的副作用中,分开癌细胞的操作会影响头发的生长周期,操作刚刚开始就会造成大约90%的头发脱落。

•        Radiation to the scalp, as when radiotherapy is applied to the head for the treatment of certain cancers there, can cause baldness of the irradiated areas.
•        用放射疗法治疗某种癌症的过程中,当头部接受放射治疗时头皮会遭到辐射,造成受辐射部位头发脱落。

Hair loss often follows childbirth without causing baldness. In this situation, the hair is actually thicker during pregnancy due to increased circulating oestrogens. After the baby is born, the oestrogen levels fall back to normal prepregnancy levels, and the additional hair foliage drops out. A similar situation occurs in women taking the fertility-stimulating drug clomiphene.






 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-23 21:29:39 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880

•        Air and water pollutants as well as minerals in water and the phototoxic effects of sunlight can cause thinning by aging the scalp skin and damaging hair.
•        空气和水中的污染物包括水中的矿物质以及太阳光中有毒的光线能够引起头皮老化并且头发变薄,同时损害头发。

•        Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can result in hair loss ranging from just one location (Alopecia areata monolocularis) to every hair on the entire body (Alopecia areata universalis). Although thought to be caused by hair follicles becoming dormant, what triggers alopecia areata is not known. In most cases the condition corrects itself, but it can also spread to the entire scalp (alopecia totalis) or to the entire body (alopecia universalis).
•        圆秃是一种自身免疫性疾病,也被称为“斑秃”,能够导致全身某一部位的头发全部掉光。尽管斑秃被认为是由于毛囊的休眠造成的,但是具体到底是什么造成了斑秃,还无从得知。在大多数情况下,斑秃可以自愈,但它也可以扩散到整个头皮或整个身体。

•        Localized or diffuse hair loss may also occur in cicatricial alopecia (lupus erythematosus, lichen plano pilaris, folliculitis decalvans, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, postmenopausal frontal fibrosing alopecia, etc.). Tumours and skin outgrowths also induce localized baldness (sebaceous nevus, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma).
•        局限性或弥漫性脱发也可能发生在瘢痕性秃发时期(性红斑狼疮,扁平平毛发,脱发性毛囊炎,中央离心瘢痕性秃发,绝经后前额纤维化秃发等等)。肿瘤和皮肤的副产物也会引起局部脱发(皮脂腺痣,基底细胞癌,鳞状细胞癌等)

•        Hypothyroidism (an under-active thyroid) and the side effects of its related medications can cause hair loss, typically frontal, which is particularly associated with thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows (also seen with syphilis).Hyperthyroidism (an over-active thyroid) can also cause hair loss, which is parietal rather than frontal.[21][unreliable medical source?]
•        甲状腺功能减退症 及其相关药物的副作用可导致脱发,甲状腺功能亢进症也可引起脱发,这是顶叶而不是正面的。

•        Temporary loss of hair can occur in areas where sebaceous cysts are present for considerable duration (normally one to several weeks).
•        暂时的脱发可以在皮脂腺囊肿地区发生(通常一至数周)。

•        Congenital triangular alopecia – It is a triangular, or oval in some cases, shaped patch of hair loss in the temple area of the scalp that occurs mostly in young children. The affected area mainly contains vellus hair follicles or no hair follicles at all, but it does not expand. Its causes are unknown, and although it is a permanent condition, it does not have any other effect on the affected individuals.[22]
•        先天性三角型脱发——这是一个三角形的,或在某些情况下,在太阳穴附近开始脱发,主要发生在年轻的孩子身上。受影响的地区主要包括毳毛毛囊或没有毛囊的区域,但不会扩大。它的原因是未知的,虽然它是一个永久性的脱发,它没有对受影响的个人有任何其他影响。

•        Gradual thinning of hair with age is a natural condition known as involutionalalopecia. This is caused by an increasing number of hair follicles switching from the growth, or anagen, phase into a resting phase, or telogen phase, so that remaining hairs become shorter and fewer in number.
•        随着年龄的增长头发自然逐渐变薄的称为更年期脱发。这是由于越来越多的毛囊从增长期或生长期,变为为静息期,或休止期,所以剩下的头发越来越少。

•        An unhealthy scalp environment can play a significant role in hair thinning by contributing to miniaturization or causing damage. Air and water pollutants, environmental toxins, conventional styling products and excessive amounts of sebum have the potential to build up on the scalp. This debris can block hair follicles and cause their deterioration and consequent miniaturization of hair. It can also physically restrict hair growth or damage the hair cuticle, leading to hair that is weakened and easily broken off before its natural lifecycle has ended.
•        一个不健康的头皮环境可以将导致头发变薄逐渐变成的小型化或对头发造成损害。空气和水污染物,环境毒素,传统的造型产品和过量的皮脂有可能积累在头皮上。这些碎片可以阻止毛囊的生长并且导致恶化,头发也随之小型化。它也可以限制身体毛发生长或损害头发,导致头发变弱,在其自然生命周期里容易折断。

Causes of alopecia include:
•        Alopecia mucinosa
•        Biotinidase deficiency
•        Chronic inflammation
•        Diabetes[23]
•        Hair treatments (chemicals in relaxers, hair straighteners)
•        Lupus erythematosus
•        Pseudopelade of Brocq
•        Telogen effluvium
•        Tufted folliculitis
•        黏蛋白性脱发
•        生物素缺乏症
•        慢性炎症
•        糖尿病
•        头发处理(化学剂,直发器)
•        红斑狼疮
•        瘢痕性脱发
•        休止期脱发
•        簇性毛囊炎


Hair follicle growth occurs in cycles. Each cycle consists of a long growing phase (anagen), a short transitional phase (catagen) and a short resting phase (telogen). At the end of the resting phase, the hair falls out (exogen) and a new hair starts growing in the follicle beginning the cycle again.
毛囊生长具有周期性 。每个周期包括一个漫长的生长期,短的过渡期(退行期)和一个短的休眠期。在休止期结束,头发脱落,一个新的头发开始生长,毛囊的周期开始。

Normally, about 40 (0–78 in men) hairs reach the end of their resting phase each day and fall out.[24] When more than 100 hairs fall out per day, clinical hair loss (telogen effluvium) may occur.[citation needed] A disruption of the growing phase causes abnormal loss of anagen hairs (anagen effluvium).


Because they are not usually associated with an increased loss rate, male-pattern and female-pattern hair loss do not generally require testing. If hair loss occurs in a young man with no family history, drug use could be the cause.

•        The pull test helps to evaluate diffuse scalp hair loss. Gentle traction is exerted on a group of hairs (about 40–60) on three different areas of the scalp. The number of extracted hairs is counted and examined under a microscope. Normally, fewer than three hairs per area should come out with each pull. If more than ten hairs are obtained, the pull test is considered positive.[25]
•        拉力测试 有助于评估弥漫性脱发。轻柔的牵引力是在头皮的三个不同区域上的一组毛发上(约40 - 60)。在显微镜下计数和检查所提取的头发的数目。一般来说,每一个区域的每一次拉力测试掉落的头发应该少于三根。如果获得了超过十根的头发,拉力试验才是有限的。

•        The pluck test is conducted by pulling hair out "by the roots". The root of the plucked hair is examined under a microscope to determine the phase of growth, and is used to diagnose a defect of telogen, anagen, or systemic disease. Telogen hairs have tiny bulbs without sheaths at their roots. Telogen effluvium shows an increased percentage of hairs upon examination. Anagen hairs have sheaths attached to their roots. Anagen effluvium shows a decrease in telogen-phase hairs and an increased number of broken hairs.
•        摘去测试是进行摘取头发的“根”。拔头发的根是在显微镜下检查的,确定增长的阶段,诊断一个休止期,生长期的缺陷,或全身性疾病。休止期的毛发在它们的根部有没有鞘的小泡泡。在毛经检验中休止期脱发显示比例增加。生长期的毛发有鞘依附在它们发根上。生长期脱发导致在休止期毛发减少和断发数增加。

•        Scalp biopsy is used when the diagnosis is unsure; a biopsy allows for differing between scarring and nonscarring forms. Hair samples are taken from areas of inflammation, usually around the border of the bald patch.
•        头皮活检是在诊断不确定时使用;活检允许有不同形式的有无疤痕。头发样本取自炎症区域,通常在秃的边境。

•        Daily hair counts are normally done when the pull test is negative. It is done by counting the number of hairs lost. The hair from the first morning combing or during washing should be counted. The hair is collected in a clear plastic bag for 14 days. The strands are recorded. If the hair count is >100/day, it is considered abnormal except after shampooing, where hair counts will be up to 250 and be normal.[citation needed]
•        当拉力测试的阴性的时候日常的头发数量是正常的。这是通过计数丢失的头发的数目来判断的。从早晨第一次梳理或在洗涤过程中的头发应计算。头发被收集在一个透明塑料袋里14天。数量将被记录。如果头发计数>100/天,除了洗头这将是不正常的,洗头的时候就算头发的数量将达到250,是正常的

•        Trichoscopy is a noninvasive method of examining hair and scalp. The test may be performed with the use of a handheld dermoscope or a video dermoscope. It allows differential diagnosis of hair loss in most cases.[26]
•        毛发检查 是对头发和头皮无创性的方法。测试可以用手持皮肤镜或视频进行皮肤镜的使用。在大多数情况下,它可以鉴别诊断脱发。

There are two types of identification tests for female pattern baldness: the Ludwig Scale and the Savin Scale. Both track the progress of diffused thinning, which typically begins on the crown of the head behind the hairline, and becomes gradually more pronounced. For male pattern baldness, the Hamilton–Norwood scale tracks the progress of a receding hairline and/or a thinning crown, through to a horseshoe-shaped ring of hair around the head and on to total baldness.
女性的脱发有两类鉴定试验:Ludwig 量表 和 Savin 量表,都是通过头上的发际线跟踪头发变薄的过程,逐渐变得更加明显。男性型秃发的 Hamilton–Norwood量表则是跟踪后退的发际线或者变薄的头顶,通过跟踪马蹄形环的头发的情况。

In almost all cases of thinning, and especially in cases of severe hair loss, it is recommended to seek advice from a doctor or dermatologist. Many types of thinning have an underlying genetic or health-related cause, which a qualified professional will be able to diagnose.
在几乎所有情况下的细化,特别是在严重的脱发情况,建议咨询医生或 皮肤科医师,许多类型的细化有一个基本的遗 或生理上的原因,一个合格的医生就能诊断。






 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-23 21:35:15 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880


Treatments for the various forms of hair loss have limited success. Three medications have evidence to support their use in male pattern hair loss: finasteride, dutasteride andminoxidil.[27][28] They typically work better to prevent further hair loss than to regrow lost hair.[27]

•        Minoxidil (Rogaine) is a nonprescription medication approved for male pattern baldness and alopecia areata. In a liquid or foam, it is rubbed into the scalp twice a day. Some people have an allergic reaction to the propylene glycol in the minoxidil solution and a minoxidil foam was developed without propylene glycol. Not all users will regrow hair. The longer the hair has stopped growing, the less likely minoxidil will regrow hair. Minoxidil is not effective for other causes of hair loss. Hair regrowth can take 1 to 6 months to begin. Treatment must be continued indefinitely. If the treatment is stopped, hair loss resumes. Any regrown hair and any hair susceptible to being lost, while Minoxidil was used, will be lost. Most frequent side effects are mild scalp irritation, allergic contact dermatitis, and unwanted hair in other parts of the body.[28]
•        米诺地尔(落健)是一种非处方药,证明对男性脱发和斑秃有效。在脱发的头皮地方每天涂抹两次,这药是液体或泡沫状的。由于有些人对米诺地尔溶液中的丙二醇产生过敏反应,因而开发出了一种不含丙二醇的泡沫状米诺地尔。临床证明:脱发的时间越长,越难长出新的头发来,而且米诺地尔对于由于其他原因造成的脱发没有效果。一般来说,该药要在1到6个月之后见到效果。患者一定要坚持治疗,如果治疗中途停止的话,会重新出现脱发现象。即使你之前用过米诺地尔,那些新长出的头发和本来要掉的头发都迟早会掉。该药最主要的副反应有:头皮有轻微的过敏和过敏性接触性皮炎,也可能在没有涂药的地方也有这样的过敏反应。

•        Finasteride (Propecia) is used in male-pattern hair loss in a pill form, taken 1 milligram per day. It is not indicated for women and is not recommended in pregnant women. Treatment is effective starting within 6 weeks of treatment. Finasteride causes an increase in hair retention, the weight of hair, and some increase in regrowth. Side effects in about 2% of males, include decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculatory dysfunction. Treatment should be continued as long as positive results occur. Once treatment is stopped, hair loss resumes.[28]
•        非那雄胺(保法止):针对男性脱发的药片,一天吃一粒。对于女性以及怀孕期的女性不推荐。该药在治疗6周之后会有效果。非那雄胺会导致停止脱发、头发变粗以及重新长出新的头发。有2%的男性出现了副反应:性欲下降、勃起功能障碍和射精功能障碍。采用该药物治疗一定要坚持。否则,一旦停止,会重新开始脱发。

•        Corticosteroids injections of into the scalp can be used to treat alopecia areata. This type of treatment is repeated on a monthly basis. Oral pills for extensive hair loss may be used for alopecia areata. Results may take up to a month to be seen.
•        通过将皮质类固醇注入到头皮中来治疗斑秃。这种治疗方法是每个月注射一次。其实针对大面积脱发的口服药片也是可以治疗斑秃的。该注射药物的治疗手段要在一个月之后见效。

•        Immunosuppressants applied to the scalp have been shown to temporarily reverse alopecia areata, though the side effects of some of these drugs make such therapy questionable.[29]
•        免疫抑制剂也是一种可以短时间来缓解斑秃的状况的药物,但同样有一定的副作用。

•        There is some tentative evidence that anthralin maybe useful alopecia areata.[30]
•        Hormonal modulators (oral contraceptives or antiandrogens such as spironolactone andflutamide) can be used for female-pattern hair loss associated with hyperandrogenemia.
•        调节荷尔蒙分泌的药物(口服避孕药或是抗雄性激素,如:安体舒通和氟他米特)可以用来治疗女性中由于雄性激素过多导致的脱发。

Hair transplantation is usually carried out under local anaesthetic. A surgeon will move healthy hair from the back and sides of the head to areas of thinning. The procedure can take between four and eight hours, and additional sessions can be carried out to make hair even thicker. Transplanted hair falls out within a few weeks, but regrows permanently within months. Hair transplants, takes tiny plugs of skin, each which contains a few hairs, and implants the plugs into bald sections. The plugs are generally taken from the back or sides of the scalp. Several transplant sessions may be necessary.[31]

•        Surgical options, such as follicle transplants, scalp flaps, and hair loss reduction, are available. These procedures are generally chosen by those who are self-conscious about their hair loss, but they are expensive and painful, with a risk of infection and scarring. Once surgery has occurred, six to eight months are needed before the quality of new hair can be assessed.
•        手术的有效方法主要有三种,例如:毛囊移植,头皮移植和减少脱发。这些治疗方案一般是针对那些自己感觉脱发的人来讲的,但是很贵,很疼,并有可能会感染和留疤。手术治疗之后,一般来说要到6到8个月才能看到效果。

•        Scalp reduction is the process is the decreasing of the area of bald skin on the head. In time, the skin on the head becomes flexible and stretched enough that some of it can be surgically removed. After the hairless scalp is removed, the space is closed with hair-covered scalp. Scalp reduction is generally done in combination with hair transplantation to provide a natural-looking hairline, especially those with extensive hair loss.
•        头皮移植手术目的是将头部脱发的头皮减少。该手术可以根据需要进行头皮的移植。做法是:将没有头发的头皮先移出,之后将带头发的头皮填补上。通常来说,要结合发际线来移植头皮。这种做法对于那些大面积脱发的患者来说特别适合。

•        Hairline lowering can sometimes be used to lower a high hairline secondary to hair loss, although there may be a visible scar after further hair loss.
•        调整发际线是针对那些发际线高的患者来讲的,通过将发际线前移来掩盖脱发。但是,当脱发进一步严重,会看到明显的伤疤。

•        Wigs are an alternative to medical and surgical treatment; some patients wear a wig or hairpiece. They can be used permanently or temporarily to cover the hair loss. High-quality, natural-looking wigs and hairpieces are available.
•        戴假发也是除了药物治疗和手术治疗之外的一种办法。他们可以选择长时间或是短期地戴假发。其实选择一个质量好、看起来很自然的假发也是很好的。

16.Hiding hair loss

One method of hiding hair loss is the "comb over", which involves restyling the remaining hair to cover the balding area. It is usually a temporary solution, useful only while the area of hair loss is small. As the hair loss increases, a comb over becomes less effective.
Another method is to wear a hat or a hairpiece—a wigor toupee. The wig is a layer of artificial or natural hair made to resemble a typical hair style. In most cases the hair is artificial. Wigs vary widely in quality and cost. In the United States, the best wigs—those that look like real hair—cost up to tens of thousands of dollars. Organizations also collect individuals' donations of their own natural hair to be made into wigs for young cancer patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy or other cancer treatment in addition to any type of hair loss.
一种办法是改变发型,将 一边的头发梳到另一边头发稀少的地方。这种方法只能短期有效,并且脱发的区域要小。如果继续脱发,面积扩大,那这种办法就没有什么效果了。还有一种办法,那就是戴假发。假发的材料选自于人工的或是自然的毛发,然后根据人的发型进行设计。但大部分的假发还是人工的毛发,假发在质量和成本上相差很大。在美国,最好的假发看起来跟真的一样,价格也高达好几万美元。也有一些人将他们自己的头发捐献给相关的机构,然后这些机构将它们做成假发,给那些年轻的癌症患者。那些癌症患者由于化疗或是癌症治疗的副作用而导致脱发。

Though not as common as the loss of hair on the head, chemotherapy, hormone imbalance, forms of hair loss, and other factors can also cause loss of hair in the eyebrows. Loss of growth in the outer one third of the eyebrow is often associated with hypothyroidism. Artificial eyebrows are available to replace missing eyebrows or to cover patchy eyebrows. Eyebrow embroidery is another option which involves the use of a blade to add pigment to the eyebrows. This gives a natural 3D look for those who are worried about an artificial look and it lasts for two years. Micropigmentation (permanent makeup tattooing) is also available for those who want the look to be permanent.






 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-23 21:39:18 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880
17.Embracing baldness

Instead of concealing hair loss, some may embrace it by shaving their head. A shaved head will grow stubble in the same manner and at the same rate as a shaved face. The general public has become accepting of the shaved head as well, though female baldness can be considered less socially acceptable in various parts of the world.

18.Alternative medicine
Dietary supplements are not typically recommended.[28] There is only one small trial of saw palmettowhich shows tentative benefit in those with mild to moderate androgenetic alopecia.[28] There is no evidence for biotin.[28] Evidence for most other produces is also insufficient.[32] There was no good evidence for gingko, aloe vera, ginseng, bergamot,hibiscus, or sorphora as of 2011.[32]
Many people use unproven treatments.[27] Egg oil, in Indian,[33] Japanese, Unani (Roghan Baiza Murgh)[34] and Chinese[35] traditional medicine, was traditionally used as a treatment for hairloss.

Research is looking into connections between hair loss and other health issues. While there has been speculation about a connection between early-onset male pattern hair loss and heart disease, a review of articles from 1954 to 1999 found no conclusive connection between baldness and coronary artery diseaseThe dermatologists who conducted the review suggested further study was needed.[36]
Environmental factors are under review. A 2007 study indicated that smoking may be a factor associated with age-related hair loss among Asian men. The study controlled for age and family history, and found statistically significant positive associations between moderate or severe male pattern hairloss and smoking status.[37]
Vertex baldness is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and the relationship depends upon the severity of baldness, while frontal baldness is not. Thus, vertex baldness might be a marker of CHD and is more closely associated with atherosclerosis than frontal baldness.[38]


The term alopecia (/ˌæləˈpiːʃiə/) is from the Classical Greek ἀλώπηξ, alōpēx, meaning "fox". The origin of this usage is because this animal sheds its coat twice a year, or because in ancient Greece foxes often lost hair because of mange.
The term bald likely derives from the English word balde, which means "white, pale" orCeltic ball, which means "white patch or blaze", such as on a horse's head.[39]






发表于 2015-9-23 22:02:28 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880






发表于 2015-9-29 19:38:28 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880
翻译这么长!真是辛苦您了。  我大体看下来学术味道太重,  没什么实用性啊 翻译大兄弟






发表于 2015-10-9 15:18:57 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880







 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-9 17:34:03 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880
整不了你 发表于 2015-10-9 15:18
男性脱发大概影响着接近40万的美国男性,其中约有四分之一的男性在30岁时候就能明显看到雄性脱发的特征,而 ...







 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-15 10:13:52 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880
逢场作戏 发表于 2015-9-29 19:38
翻译这么长!真是辛苦您了。  我大体看下来学术味道太重,  没什么实用性啊 翻译大兄弟 ...

是的,先放在论坛,我们好头发的宗旨就是用专业知识服务发友,之后有出书的打算, 这些内容会参考的,但是会转化成发友们容易接受的语言。






发表于 2015-11-8 17:09:02 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880






发表于 2016-5-8 11:00:32 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880
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