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【国外发友之声第二十八篇】——大三件一年半的治疗效果 [复制链接]






发表于 2016-1-18 14:33:16 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 |倒序浏览         交流QQ群:86809880

First let me start off with an apology. I attained a lot of my knowledgefrom these forums and pledged to report back every few months or so withupdates on my treatment. Fortunately the treatment (so far) has been a success,although the superstitious side of me cringes at posting in the "successstories" forum. Here's an attempt to do my part in furthering knowledge ofhair treatments and whatnot (although I'm sure most of what I will say here hasbeen said on this site a million times, I feel like I still owe it to you guys)

Well here's a little backstory since I can't find my originalthread: Started balding (I assume) around 18-20 years old. I didn't notice thethinning/recession until a few months prior to my 21st birthday. I say I assumeit began a couple years before I noticed because I have always had fairly thinhair and a high forehead, hair and I have never gotten along (didn't even beginto come in til I was almost 2), but I remember being 18-20 and noticing alittle bit of extra hair coming out in the shower, while brushing, etc. I nevergave it much thought because, honestly, what 18 year old would even think thatthey are suffering from MPB at that age! Well, fast-forward to 21 and I noticedrecession at the temples and went to the derm to see what I could do about it.He prescribed me fin and told me to combine it with minoxidil. I was horriblyundisciplined in my "regimen", only applying the minoxidil when Ifelt like it, but taking the fin everyday. After a couple of months, I noticedsomething "different" about my erections/sexual desire/ability toachieve orgasm. I looked online and found these are possible side effectsof fin and got FREAKED out and stopped taking everything. Please note thatduring this time I was also experiencing a stressful rough patch in life andwas taking lexapro and not exercising much at all. In hindsight I firmlybelieve that those factors contributed to the sexual side effects much morethan the fin could have. The sides actually continued to persist until Istopped the lexapro and regained my old, happy personality. Had I been smarterI would have given the fin another shot, but I was just glad to be meds freeand the hair loss hadn't gotten bad enough to the point that I felt I needed totake action (Norwood 2).
因为找不到最初的头绪,所以就以一个小故事开头吧:我认为我开始秃头大概在18到20岁。但是直到21岁生日的前几个月我才注意到头发的变薄和衰退。而它应该在我意识到的几年之前就开始了,我不太在意头发是因为我头发一直很薄,还有高额头(甚至快2岁了我还没有开始长头发),记得在18-20时,我注意到在洗漱时有更多的头发出现在浴室,但我并没有想太多。因为,老实说,谁18岁会认为他们在那个年龄段会患男性脱发!快到了21岁,我注意到太阳穴部位头发已经衰退到头皮,我能做点什么呢。医生让我FIN(无痕植发)并使用米诺地尔。我的“恢复计划”执行的非常散漫,只有喜欢时才用一下米诺地尔,但是每天都FIN。几个月后,我注意到一些在勃起、性欲和达到性高潮的能力方面的变化。看网上发现这些是FIN可能的副作用并吓呆了,所以停止了一切计划。但是请注意,在这段时间我正经历人生的坎坷和压力,服用抗抑郁药依地普仑(Lexapro,也根本不锻炼。在事后看来,我坚信这些因素是对性方面的影响远远超过了FIN。副作用持续着直到我停服依地普仑并恢复我的老派,快乐的个性。如果更聪明些,我会再来一发FIN,但当时取得的效果对于能不靠药物而且脱发也没有得严重到我认为需要采取行动的地步, 我已经很满意了。
I remained in a state of apathyregarding my hair loss for the next 2.5 years. It was obvious, especiallytoward the end of that time, that I was losing ground but I still didn't doanything about it (stupid). In January 2014 I went on a vacation to Costa Ricaand noticed in some of the photos my friends had taken of me from behind that Iwas now starting to bald on the crown, this was even evident from far away.After returning from the trip I got busy with a new semester of school, and,once again, pushed hair loss to the back of my mind. Then, come the end of thesemester in May, I got a hair cut...the same kind of hair cut I always get. Theresults were horrifying. Somehow I had lost far more hair than when my hair waslast cut short (the Costa Rica pictures). I no longer needed to look at apicture of the back of my head to know I was going extremely bald, very fast.My crown was more exposed than ever, my temples retreating, and the forwardthird of my head thinned like never before. I immediately got back on aregimen.

Starting in May I began taking 1mgfin/day, putting 2-3ml of 5% minox on morning and night and doing nizoral(which if found out about courtesy of this site) monday wednesday and friday. Itook my before pictures a month later (I was in crisis mode and didn't think totake them until my hair had already grown in a bit from the recent cut so Iwaited until I got it cut again as baseline). I will post the"Before" pix taken June 1st 2014. I followed this regimen religiouslyfor the next several months. To my surprise, my hair began to really thickenbeginning in months 2-3 and by November was almost to where it was now. Forsome reason I did not experience the dreaded shed many have wrote about onhere. In the interest of time, I have reduced application of minoxidil to oncea day in the mornings, still ~3ml except on the days when I take two showers(to apply nizoral, which I do at night because that is when I'm told DHTbuildup is at its worst). For the last week I have switched to cutting proscarinto 4ths due to changing health insurers and my propecia prescriptionskyrocketing. I have used both 1% (over-the-counter) and 2% nizoral but Iprefer the 1%, its what I started with and had early success with, doesn'trequire a prescription, and when I switched to 2%(January 2015 to March 2015) Inoticed I began to lose a good amount of hair, although my barber claims it'snormal for hair to thin in winter. I also use the generic liquid minoxidil fromwalmart. It's cheap and I haven't experienced any itching and the oilinessisn't as bad as other brand IMO. All in all I have also been sides free fromthe fin in the long term. I did experience a bit of testicle pain for ~3 dayswhen I first began but it subsided.

从5月开始,我开始每天服用1毫克FIN,早晚各喷2-3ml5%的米诺,每周一周三和周五服用仁山利舒(在本网站发现的)。一个月后我拍了照片(我当时处于崩溃状态,并没有想到要照相,直到有次剪发发现长出了一些小头发,所以我把这次剪发调为基准)。最早的照片拍于6月1日2014年,在接下来的数个月我严格地遵循这个方案。令我惊讶的是,我的头发真正开始变稠是在2-3个月之后, 到11月份头发就和现在一样了。出于某种原因,我没有经历过可怕的狂脱期像许多人在这里写的那样。由于时间关系,我已经将米诺地尔减少到每天早上一次,仍然3毫升,除了我需要一天洗两次澡的日子(晚上使用仁山利舒,因为听说这时DHT积累最少)。上周我已经换了proscar到第四疗程,由于变化的健康保险和我暴涨的非那胺雄处方。我用过1%(非处方药)和2%的仁山利舒,但我更喜欢1%,那是我开始时和取得早期成功时使用的,不需要处方,当我切换到2%(2015年1月到3月)我发现我开始失去大量的头发,虽然我的理发师说这是正常的冬天头发会变薄。我也使用沃尔玛买的无商标的液体米诺。它很便宜,也并没有像其他品牌那样出现瘙痒和油性。总之长期以来我都没有受到FIN的副作用。开始时我的确睾丸疼痛了3天,但它后来也平息了。



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