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妊娠与脱发 [复制链接]






发表于 2013-8-2 11:53:08 | 只看该作者 |倒序浏览         交流QQ群:86809880
American Academy of Dermatology: Expecting a Baby? Expect Some Changes In Your Hair, Skin, and Nails. The importance of accurate Diagnosis of Pregnancy Related hair, skin, and nail conditions...
During pregnancy, changes in the skin, hair and nails are common. The correct diagnosis and treatment of these conditions during pregnancy are essential to ensure the health of both mother and baby.
"The body experiences profound adjustments during pregnancy, which make pregnant women susceptible to changes of the skin, hair and nails," stated dermatologist George Kroumpouzos, MD, PhD, co-author of "Dermatoses of Pregnancy" published in the July 2001 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. "A careful history and thorough physical examination by a dermatologist can relieve anxiety about the nature of these skin conditions and the possible fetal or maternal risks associated with them."
皮肤病专家兼哲学博士的George Kroumpouzos, 在发表于美国皮肤病协会的学报上的一篇合著的文章“孕妇皮肤病”中说道:“怀孕期间身体经历着巨大的调整,这也使得孕妇对自己的皮肤、头发和指甲的变化非常敏感。皮肤科医生了解孕妇的病史并做全面的检查,可以减轻孕妇对皮肤变化以及孕妇胎儿相关疾病的焦虑。”
Pigmentary changes during pregnancy
Hyperpigmentation is common during pregnancy, affecting more than 90 percent of pregnant women. Hyperpigmentation is a skin disorder in which dark spots appear on the skin. This benign condition is attributed to an overproduction of melanin, a natural substance that gives color to the hair, skin, and iris. Normally hyperpigmented areas, such as the breasts and nipples, genital skin, and inner thighs, may become darker in pregnancy. Freckles, nevi and scars may appear darker as well. This condition disappears in the months following pregnancy.
Melasma or chloasma, known as the "mask of pregnancy," has been reported in up to 70 percent of pregnant women. This common condition causes an increase of pigmentation that occurs almost exclusively in sun-exposed areas. "Melasma presents in three facial patterns. The centro-facial pattern involves the cheeks, forehead, upper lip, nose, and chin," said Dr. Kroumpouzos, Instructor, Department of Dermatology, Harvard University, Boston, Mass. "The malar pattern involves the cheeks and nose, and the mandibular pattern involves the side of the cheeks and jawline." Melasma can also develop on the forearms. Dermatologists encourage the use of proper sunscreen to prevent this condition as well as treatment with topical corticosteroids, bleaching agents, chemical peels or tretinoin. Most cases of melasma resolve after pregnancy.
Hair and nail changes during pregnancy
"Pregnancy affects every area of the skin, including hair and nails. Undesirable changes may occur that leave pregnant women feeling anxious," said Dr. Kroumpouzos. "A discussion with a dermatologist can put a woman at ease regarding these changes."


Hirsutism, a condition in which a woman grows hair in areas where only a man would, such as the face or chest, can be triggered by the endocrine changes of pregnancy. This condition usually regresses within six months following birth.
Telogen effluvium is the excess shedding of hair that usually occurs one to five months following pregnancy. During pregnancy, an increased percentage of scalp hairs go into the resting phase that is part of the normal growth-loss cycle of scalp hair. After pregnancy, these hairs begin to fall out and thin. However, this condition does not cause permanent hair loss or obvious bald patches. Telogen effluvium resolves slowly beginning six to 12 weeks postpartum. There is no medical treatment available.

静止期脱发是指一般在分娩前后的一到五个月期间出现的过度脱发现象,怀孕期间,增加的 头发会进入休止期,这是头发一种正常生长脱落循环的过程,怀孕后,这些头发开始脱落并变薄。不过这种情况不会引起永久性脱发和明显的秃毛现象。静止期脱发会在分娩后的6至12个周内开始自然恢复,至今仍没有药物能够治疗静止期脱发。
Nails, like hair, can change noticeably during pregnancy. Some women find that their nails tend to split and break more easily during pregnancy. Like the changes in hair, nail changes aren't permanent.






发表于 2014-2-24 16:17:17 | 只看该作者         论坛脱发植发交流QQ群:86809880
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