奥特特 发表于 2015-12-2 11:35 1ml是喷几下? |
终点站 发表于 2015-12-2 11:41 你可以口服氯雷他定分散片或者是敏迪做对症治疗!可以做口服转移因子胶囊做调理!实在不行就只能选择别的药了 |
为什么我吃菲娜有点过敏啊!!!{:2_33:}{:2_33:}{:2_33:}大家有没有什么好的方法啊,看菲娜效果那么好。。。 |
真好!国外的友人!祝福你! |
每天1ml达霏欣飘过~~~我的头发啊,你快快回来 |
看着这个头发真的是。。。。还是咱们中国人的头发好看! |
老外的头皮真的是够恶心的!!! |
这头发真的是又多又密 |
本帖最后由 好头发翻译小组 于 2015-12-2 09:52 编辑 3. I actually didn't get any sides from the fin. None that I recognized at least. 药物对我没有任何副作用,至少我这么认为。 But I was taking a 1mg splitting it, then only taking half every other day. 但是我是吧1毫克分成两半,然后每隔一天只吃一半。 My dosage was VERY low so it probably wasn't enough in my system to cause sides. 我的剂量很低所以它可能还不能够引起我身体内的反应。 I stopped the regimen a few months back. I'm now thinking at the top. So I'll start off with a higher dosage of 1mg every other day, along with lipogain, and the big 3 shampoo. 我停止了几个月前的方案。我开始服用更高剂量,每隔一天1毫克,连同力魄健和洗发水。 |
本帖最后由 好头发翻译小组 于 2015-12-2 09:51 编辑 2. To tell you the truth before I started letting my hair grow out to do my routine, My barber used to used a black dye on my hairline and it looked really good but only lasted a few days because you must wash it. 实话告诉你,我开始按照我的例程让我的头发长出来之前,我的理发师使用黑色染料让我的发际线看起来完好,它看起来真的不错,但只持续了几天,因为你必须把他洗掉。 I don't need it now since my hairline is somewhat restored now. 我现在不需要它因为我的发际线有点恢复了。 I hated getting the dye though because I was afraid to workout because it would fade if I sweated a lot. 我讨厌使用染料,因为我害怕锻炼让我出汗很多会使它会消失。 |
1.That was my mistake its .50mg I cut a 1mg pill. But when I started out I did consider it .25 because I was taking .50mg every other day to get my body used to the dosage. 这是我的错误,我是把1mg分成0.5毫克,但是当我开始吃的时候我考虑服用0.25mg,因为我每隔一天服用0.5毫克来让我的身体适应这个剂量。 I'm using Finpecia btw. 我用的是Finpecia保法止。 I was using liquid Minox by Lipogain. I ran out and started to use the organ foam again recently just to use it up then I may try the kirkland liquid Minox because lipogain was expensive. 我使用液体的力魄健。我用完了,最近开始再次使用器官泡沫,那么我可能尝试液体可兰,因为力魄健是昂贵的。 I used it at the temples and the top of my head where I saw thinning. I'm sure I'll have to do this forever. 我曾经在发际线和我的头顶变薄的地方使用。我相信我会永远必须这么做。 |
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