失宠而娇 发表于 2015-11-3 12:00 一年半 |
Don't be discouraged by all of the guys saying "you will maintain what you have, you will be extremely lucky to see any re-growth". Every person I have ever encountered in real life has experienced significant regrowth while on the big 3, you're young and you're taking action early. Best of luck. 别因为别人说什么"你只能止脱,但很难让头发长回来"而灰心。我认识的每个坚持使用big3的人的头发都恢复的很好,更何况你这么年轻,治疗的这么及时。祝你好运。 |
1. If you are just starting treatment where I am right now, I am confident that within 2-3 years you will have almost no signs of loss. Finasteride is best started at the early signs of hair loss. It takes awhile to really notice any difference though. In my opinion, I would tell you to not expect noticeable results until after a year. Keep applying minox, keep taking your finasteride, you're doing everything possible to reverse your hair loss so you need to remain positive. 如果你在我现在这个状况的时候开始治疗,我相信在2-3年之内你可以恢复到几乎看不到脱发的效果。非那雄胺非常适合在刚刚有脱发迹象的时候使用,但要看出效果还是需要一些时间的。我认为不要奢望在一年内就能看到很明显的效果。坚持用米诺,坚持吃非那雄胺,乐观些,这些就是让你头发回来的最好办法。 |
奥特特 发表于 2015-11-3 12:02 好吧 |
zyj 发表于 2015-11-3 11:59 中国人也张的不赖啊,比如说我 |
那不是有照片吗 |
顶起!!! |
加油加油!!! |
楼主,三个月就治好了啊? |
好多人都是刚刚开始看就迫不及待的想看看效果, |
想看看照片,不是会所外国人长的都很好看吗? |
照片呢? |
照片呢? |
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