液体度他???!!度他不是大分子么?头皮能吸收? |
are you meiguo people |
这个外国人长得还可以 |
美帝的药效果屌,选择性也多 |
液体度他雄胺,哪有卖的? |
这货没有脱发的照片吗 治疗之前什么样没看到, 网慢 打不开原地址。。 |
伤心人别听慢歌 发表于 2015-10-27 10:27 应该是度他雄安.. |
所以这个DUT是什么?? |
3. use both in the morning one right after the other. I get proscar generic 5mg pills. i got tired over the year cutting them into 4-5 pieces. now i just grab one of the pills and take a small bite per day, which i get around 5 to 6 bites out of every pills. that could count to about 1mg of fin. To my undertstanding, doesn't matter what time of day u take fin or dut since it start working overtime, it will not work the first day since it starts building up into your system. This is the reason when you stop fin or dut it will still working for a month or so (i might be wrong on the time) and you still get side effect for a while even if you stop. 我是每天固定的早上用药。我吃的是药片,药片一般每次5mg。之前我是把药片切成4到5份,1年之后我就懒得弄了。现在,我就直接用嘴从1个药片上咬1小部分,然后吃掉。1个药片够我吃5到6次,但这不能保证我每次吃的差不多是1mg。据我所知,我这种情况没什么问题,因为这种药是过一段时间才开始起作用,你吃的药是综合的效果。所以,这也就是为什么人有些人停药1个月左右了,仍然有药效和副作用。 |
2. get my DUT from (ar dot com) i know you cant post link in here. it comes in liquid form of 15mg, which is a month supply if you use .5mg a day ( i use .25mg so i get around 2 month). Is kind of expensive compare to buying pills in 6 month batch from generic places. To me it really doesnt matter now since i'm scare to switch to another DUT cause this one is working so great. 我的DUT论坛评论不能在这个地方链接(如果能链接,你们直接看那个就行),现在只能直接说了。这种液态的DUT一般是15mg装的,一天用0.5mg,能用一个月(我每天用0.25mg,所以我能用2个月)。和吃的片剂相比,这种是要贵点。但对我来说,我是不想换其他种的DUT药了,因为我现在的状况挺好。 Like i mention in my post, i use lipogaine in the morning and rogaine foam at night. i also use NITRATE 5 days a week, don't know if is helping but i heard good things about helping hair grow faster. I'm not using any pills like MSM, BIOTIN, . It did help in the past but i get bad skin reaction from them. 我之前提讲到的那个链接里面就会讲到:我早上用力魄健,然后晚上用落键。每周我还用5天的硝酸盐,不知道这有没有用啊,但听有些人说对重新长出头发有效果。我现在没有吃片剂的药,比如:MSM,BIOTIN。之前用的时候,确实有效果,但对我皮肤有一些副反应。 If anyone interested about this, i also go around 6 days a week to the gym (weight lifting and cardio) HAVE NEVER USE STERIOD. I avoid anything with creatine since it MIGHT affect hairloss. Theres no actual FACT about it but i rather not take the chance. So i dont even take any preworkout drink, only use wey protein. have been weight lifting for years now. 如果你们对我的这些感兴趣,我就额外再多说点。我1周去6次去体育馆(举重和有氧运动),我拒绝激素类食品和药物。我避免接触那些会对头发有伤害的东西。虽然没有实实在在的证明这些是不是有伤害,但我不冒险。所以我运动前后不会喝酒,就吃一些蛋白质类食品,我坚持举重好多年了。 I shampoo my hair every other day. (one day yes one day no). 我每隔一天都会洗头(如果今天洗了,明天就不洗)。 |
楼主回复 1.I believe DUT will server you well. try starting with a low dosage like i did .25mg if you buy liquid. If you buy pill of 0.5mg try 2x a week and see if you see any improvements over 3-6 month, i saw improvement withing 2 weeks of adding DUT to my regimen (my hair stopped falling). Some people go for higher dosage and i understand because it becomes despred to be losing your hair and u want treament to work ASAP. But we all lose effectiness over time and you'll have to upper the dosage for it to work more effective. So is better to start with low dosage. I did notice the first few weeks using ONLY .25mg of DUT, the bad side effect of not getting erections and no desire to have sex. But thanx God everythying seems to be coming back to normal after 3 month. 我觉得DUT有用,开始用的时候量很小,只有0.25mg(液体)。如果你吃的片剂,你得看吃了3到6个月之后有没有效果。我把DUT加入到我护发选项里去,2个星期就看到了效果(头发不掉了)。有些人一开始就用很大的药量,我知道这是脱发会把人逼得着急了,想赶紧看到效果,但药效是需要时间的。虽然药量大当然效果会更加明显些,你最好开始用小点的药量,这样你之后就有加大药量的空间。有些人刚开始几周每次就用0.25mg的DUT,就有一些副反应了,不能勃起,还没有了性欲。但谢天谢地,3个月之后这些情况又回到正常的状况了。 |
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